My Girlfriend had to go to a Training in Munich. As the hotel room was paid and she was already there, we decided to spend the Easter-weekend in Munich. It was already the second time we were there, so we had an idea on what would expect us. The decision came on quite short notice, that’s why everything had to be organised within one day. You know, the usual stuff: getting the tickets, packing, get some stuff for the trip, get some cat-food for shadow, find someone to feed the cat, etc.

At this point I would like to say thanks to mick, who agreed to feed our cat while we were away.

My train to Munich left at 18.28. Another friend of mine, Fox, offered me to take me to the train station under one condition. We should go for a beer before I left. I always had to postpone that Beer due to various reasons, and I feel sorry for that. In the end it turned out that that beer was just what I needed.

The Journey to Munich

After buying some cigarettes for the weekend (my brand isn’t sold outside Switzerland) and a bottle of water for the journey, I went to the platform to wait for my train. A few minutes later the train arrived. And lookey here, the coach where I reserved a seat stopped right in front of me. Looks like it’s going to be a good trip.

As I expected, the Train was quite full. And after fighting through almost all of the coach I found my seat. Occupied. A kid, about 14 or so, was totally absorbed by a DVD running on his Notebook ,that he didn’t even notice what happened around him. Oh never mind. There was free seat just on the other side of the train, and I took that one. Everyone was settled in, and we were underway to Munich. In the first 10 minutes, I wondered if I could have saved those 5 Francs for the reservation. After all, my seat was already taken. These thoughts were quickly pushed away by the new book I’m reading.

During the last stop before the German border, a Lady tapped my shoulder showing me a reservation for the seat I occupied. She excused herself for bothering me. But the train was now full, and I can’t take offense only because she asks for her right. I tapped the kid on the shoulder (which was still watching his DVD) and told him that I had reserved his seat. The lady sitting opposite of the kid started arguing that the seat wasn’t marked as reserved and that everyone could say that he or she had reserved it. Meanwhile the kid was already packing up his Notebook. I pulled out the reservation confirmation and wanted to show it to her. She waved off and told her son that he should go and look for some free seats, she would stay here with the luggage. At that moment, another guy showed her his reservation for her seat. That was the missing bit, and she blew up, saying that everyone could come saying the seat was reserved and that it is outrageous that the seats weren’t marked as reserved.

While taking her luggage from the rack and still mumbling, the conductor came along. She asked him how it could be that reserved seats weren’t marked as such, he indifferently said she should complain with the SBB (he wore a Deutsche Bahn Uniform). No wonder people say that Germany isn’t exactly a service-oriented country, just check Google to see what I mean. OK, for the guy’s defence, the lady didn’t actually ask him a question, she more barked at him. To her defence, I don’t understand why a seat, which was reserved almost 6 hours in advance, wasn’t labelled as such.

My Opinion to the conductor: Thanks for pushing the fault to the Swiss. This gives a very bad impression not on the SBB, but on Switzerland as such, so WTF?!?!?

My Opinion to the Lady: Hey, life’s a bitch. I suggest you reserve your seats next time. Which costs only CHF 5 / EUR 4, by the way)

After that was settled any we all got our seats, the journey went on. As It was already around 20.00 I couldn’t see anything outside anymore, so I stuck My nose in my book. Apart from the conductor wanting to see my Ticket or the border police my Passport, everything went smooth. 3 hours and about 200 pages later the Train-driver announced that we would shortly arrive in Munich. I was relieved that we would soon be there, as the seats weren’t that comfortable and my legs fell asleep somewhere between Memmingen and Buchloe. A few minutes later we entered Munich Main station and the coach got busy. Everybody was taking their luggage of the racks and swore because everybody else was in their way. I just sat there, enjoyed the show, and waited until most of the people gotten off the train.

While walking along the platform, I felt colder and colder. Well, after sitting for over 4 hours and then going out into the cold doesn’t seem to be the best idea after all… I didn’t worry about being cold as soon as I saw my Girlfriend standing at the end of the platform. Suddenly I felt a bit warmer and a smile came to my face while I hugged her.

As it’s already late, I’ll tell you about our stay in Munich itself on another occasion. I’m getting hungry now….