After I got off the train and held my Girlfriend in my arms, it was time for a cigarette ( I know, its a bad habit). Of Course, Munich main station is completely non-smoking. So I’ll have to enjoy my cigarette outside on our way to the Courtyard hotel. Fortunately, the hotel is within walking distance from the main station. It somewhat disturbed me that we had horizontal rain mixed with snow, wind gusts and a temperature just below 0°C. Its a kind of weird, feeling snowflakes directly hitting your eardrum. After a 5 minute walk, fairly wet and half frozen, we arrived at the hotel.

As My Girlfriend already checked in, we headed directly for our room. The room looked like it was recently renovated, like the rest of the hotel. It had everything you need. A bed, a bathroom and a TV 🙂 But everything on quite small space. I wouldn’t say it was crammed, but not very spacious either. The only downside to the room was, that we had twin beds, and a bedside table between them. As I’m out of the age of sleeping with my Girlfriend in a 90cm wide bed, there was no cuddling for that night. Positive thing though, I had my own blanket. After getting ready for bed we both fell asleep almost instantly.

Taking in to account that I didn’t sleep in my own bed, I felt quite rested the next morning. No waking up in the middle of the night, nothing. Of course, here they also have the usual continental-European type bedding system. I hate when my blanket is tucked in at the sides and the bottom of the bed. If I want to sleep in a sleeping bag, I will do so. At least they don’t have heaps of pillows on the bed like other hotels… After a quick shower we were off for breakfast.

Breakfast was the way you could expect it from a 4* hotel. You had the choice between the healthy stuff (fruits, yogurt, cereals), the Continental breakfast (bread, jam, cold cuts, etc.) or the Full American (everything bad for your cholesterol). Everything set up as a buffet. After being served my coffee, we could dig in to the buffet. Usually, we have breakfast so we wouldn’t need lunch anymore. I just loooove those pancakes swimming in maple syrup 🙂

After breakfast we packed up our stuff, checked out and moved to the Marriott hotel. We stayed there before and therefore knew how to get there. This is the consequence if you plan the weekend spontaneously. After about 30 Min’s we arrived at the hotel, checked in and went to our room. After „moving in“ we went for a walk through the city center. As it was Good Friday, all of the shops were closed and only very few people were in the streets. Maybe this had also something to do with the weather, which was still everything but friendly. We walked to the main station to get a 3-day-pass for the subway. We went up to the Ticket counter and asked for a 3-day partner card. I remember that last time we were here we got something like that costing around 20€. What we got was 3 1-day-passes costing 9€ each. OkOk, Maybe the price-plan has changed and they kicked the 3-day-pass.

After we bought the tickets we went to Woerners Café to warm ourselves up and get a hot drink. The people at Woerners certainly know something about hospitality. The waitress was very friendly and the tea they served was 1a. The cakes and cream pies also looked very tempting, but we were still full from breakfast (remember? Full American 🙂 ). I had a small pot of Earl Grey, and for the first time i could really taste that bag-tea really isn’t comparable to loose leaf-tea. After we drank up, we got on our way back to the hotel to get ready for the evening.

Remember the 3 1-day-passes? We overheard a conversation between the concierge and a guest. The concierge explained, that there would be a 3-day-partner ticket for 23€. Hey, we’re here to relax and enjoy ourselves, so we won’t worry about that. While I was looking up the Links for the Tickets, I stumbled over the City Tour Card. Now this is what I call tourist-compatible.

For dinner we went to the restaurant Sausalitos. We’ve been there before, and we’ve looked forward to going there the whole day. If you ever go to Munich, the Sausalitos is certainly worth a visit. They have very good Mexican-style food and veeery nice cocktails. BTW: Happy hours is from 5pm to 8pm :-).

The Sausalitos is a very nice place to meet new people. At that evening we met up with some Americans and some other swiss guys on holiday. Later on we left with the Swiss guys to some club. Unfortunately some of the group had one too much and the bouncers didn’t let us in. In the end we landed in a almost deserted bar. At that moment I got the feeling that I also had one too much. After paying 9€ for 3 3dl bottles of water, we got on our way home with a cab.

I don’t know when we got home, but I felt like a good night out. After eating something and taking off my clothes I fell into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.