Already a while ago we cleared up the living room. the DVD-Player and the Receiver had to be removed from the living-room for the time being. Its not that good when the receiver blocks 1/3 of the width of the door. They sit in the office for the moment. Once the TV hangs on the wall, they will have space on the TV-shelf. Althought the DVD player is quite old and has its ticks (the tray doesn’t stay open, so you have to be quick).

Apart from the blocked door, we still have another issue. Every now and then I play with the idea of surprising my girlfriend with a nice candle-lit dinner. On other occasions, I invite friends around for dinner. For me this is a very honest an sincere way to show someone that you like them. the Friends-part usually happens in summer, because then we can use the garden we share with the other parties in the house. Ok, it always involves quite some work to carry everything down 4 stories and around the house. Same thing if someone would like to use the bathroom. At least there’s a Tree, but we’ll leave that. 🙂

You might ask what my problem is. Thats quite simple: We don’t have room for a dining table. And that slowly gets to me. The only way to solve this problem would be to throw out the bedsofa and put a extendable table there. I could imagine that a two-placer extendable to 4 places would just fit in nicely. OK, the plant next to the balcony door would have to go too, but that one is dying anyway. We even saw a matching table. I understand the Argumentation that throwing away the bed-sofa is not the best option. It’s not old and wasn’t cheap when we bought it. And it’s very handy when you have guests staying the night (which doesn’t happen very often as we can’t invite anyone for dinner).

It will need some consideration and quite a few discussions until we find a solution what should happen with the sofa. Maybe her brother would take it for a while?