Last night I came back from the Open Air Gampel. This year was special, as it was the 20th birthday of the Open-Air.

All in all, I can say that it was a good weekend, but there was some space for improvement.

You can find infos about the Open-Air at

Pictures from Mick, who was also there you can find on

General Pictures are available at

Read the diary under More.

Tursday, 18. August 2005, 17.30

Everything is packed and ready to go. We just have to go home and pick up the Tickets as they havent arrived yet.
We got Home, opened the Letterbox and…..PANIC!! NO TICKETS!

We run upstairs to call the Ticket-Reseller and ask where the hell our tickets were. The lady at the Customer Center was very helpful and offered us an instant solution. If i would report this via email to her, she would arrange with the Open-Air Team that we would get replacement-tickets at the booth there. Now thats what I call service!
The next thing she said was, that the envelope in which the tickets come looks exactly the same as the ones where my Account summaries come in. I start to dig in my pile on the desk and, HORRAY, the tickets where there. I Excused myself for the turmoil about nothing and hung up. Now lets go, its 18.30 by now and we have still a long way to go.

Tursday, 18. August 2005, 20.00

Yipee, we’ve managed to get on the Furka Car-Train just in time. 20 Minutes of relaxed shaking around in the car lay ahead of us.

At about 21.20 we arrived at Fiesch where we would stay for the night. Steve was already waiting for us. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing, watching half a movie and eating spaghetti with tuna.

Friday, 19. August 2005, 10.00

Up up everyone. lets get going! First we went to the local store to get something for breakfast. Red Bull and a sandwich this is.

Now we packed Steve’s stuff into the car and went off towards Grächen. There we had to pick up some other things from Steve. I knew that there are roads in switzerland that are winding its way up the mountain. I knew that there are villages quite far away from the big cities. but Grächen is about the a#*%&@ of the world!!!! But once you get up there you get a beautiful view of the surrounding area!

Time for lunch.

We left Grächen at about 15.00, finally heading for Gampel.

Friday, 19. August 2005, 16.00

We finally arrived at the camp-site. This is the first time we arrive at the second day of the Open Air. BAD IDEA! The camp-site is totally crammed. After walking around almost the whole camp-site we finally found a spot right at the far end of the Site. Well, at least it would be quiet here.

After we put up our tents and dug the fridge, it was finally time for a beer.

Friday, 19. August 2005, 20.00

First entry to the Open-Air site. They’ve changed a lot here. The party area grew significantly and the entrance was moved away from the stage. Now you have to walk all the way up outside the Area to get in, and then walk the whole way back again to get to the main stage. Bad layout for my taste.

What is on the program now? Silbermond on Stage 2. Very good, because Stage 2 is under a tent. The performance of Silbermond was very convincing. Their album is certainly on my shopping list :-). The Tnd was absolutely full, everyone kept pushing further towards the Stage. And after one look behind me I knew why. It was pouring down outside and everyone tried to get under the tent.

After the concert was over we were slowly feeling hungry. There was a asian food booth just across the field. „just“ is not the right word, because half of the festival-area turned into a swamp due to the heavy rainfall. Anyway, After we had some Shrimp-curry with rice we slowly moved back to our tent. KORN was on the program later today, but that wasn’t really what we wanted.

Back at the tent we had another beer or five and enjoyed the rest of the evening chilling. It had stopped raining by then.

So, this was the report for Friday. The rest will be coming in the next few days, or as soon as i can remember what actually happened then. 😉